Superyacht industry has its own unique set of terminologies, that may seem confusing to someone who is new to superyachting. While some of the terms used is borrowed from the boating industry, others are unique to the superyacht world. In this article, we will explore the most common terms used in the superyacht industry, and help newcomers understand the language of yachties.
Aft – The back of the yacht. It is also known as the stern, and it’s where the yacht’s engines and steering mechanisms are located.
AIS - AIS, or Automatic Identification System, is used to track other vessels and communicate with them. This is important for safety and navigation.
Anchor - A heavy weight that is dropped from the yacht to hold it in place.
Abeam - At a right angle to the center of a vessel’s length
APA - APA or Advanced Provisioning Allowance is an additional charter fee paid in advance to cover the cost of provisions such as fuel, food and drink, and marina fees. The APA is usually 30% of the charter fee.
Bow – The front of the yacht. This is the direction the yacht moves towards.
Beam - The beam of a yacht refers to its width, measured at its widest point. This is an important measurement, as it can impact a yacht's stability and performance.
Berth - A designated space in a marina or on a yacht where a yacht can be docked or anchored.
Bridge - The area of the yacht where the captain navigates and controls the yacht.
Bilge - The deepest part of the vessel’s hull often used for storage
Crew – The team of people who work on a yacht. This includes the captain, first mate, deckhands, steward(ess), chef, and engineers.
Captain - The captain is the person in charge of the yacht and its crew. They are responsible for the safety of the yacht and its passengers, as well as navigating the vessel.
Capstan - A winch used to wind in an anchor and tighten lines
Draft – The distance from the waterline to the bottom of the yacht’s hull. This measurement is important for determining the depth of water needed to navigate safely.
Displacement - The weight of the yacht when fully loaded.
Deckhand - A crew member responsible for maintaining the exterior of the yacht.
EPIRB – Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. This device is used to send a distress signal in case of an emergency.
ENG1 - MCA-approved medical certificate required for all crew on commercial superyachts.
ENGINEER - The engineer or chief engineer ensures the safe and efficient operation of the main propulsion and all auxiliary systems on board, including deck machinery, tenders and toys, and all hotel services. He/She is the one that keeps toilet flushing, AC working and the galley power on as some would also say 😊
Fender – A cushion or bumper that is placed between the yacht and the dock or another vessel to prevent damage.
First Mate - The second in command after the captain.
Flybridge - An open deck on the top of the yacht.
Foredeck - The forward part of the deck of a ship, usually level with the main deck
GPS – Global Positioning System. This is used for navigation and to pinpoint the yacht’s location.
Galley - The galley is the kitchen on a yacht. Depending on the size of the yacht, it may be a small space with limited amenities or a fully equipped professional kitchen.
Gunwhale - The upper edge of a yacht’s sides
Gross Tonnage - This is a measurement of the volume of the yacht’s enclosed spaces.
Hull – The body of the yacht that floats on the water. The hull design affects the yacht’s performance and efficiency.
Head - The head is the bathroom on a yacht. Depending on the size of the yacht, there may be multiple heads for guests and crew.
Interior – The living quarters of the yacht. This includes cabins, the galley, and the salon.
IMO - IMO stands for International Maritime Organisation and is the United Nations agency responsible for the safety and security of shipping
Jib - on sailing yachts, it is the foresail
Jacuzzi – well... Do we need to say what it is? 😊 A hot tub on a yacht. It’s a luxurious addition to any yacht and can provide a relaxing soak after a day of activities.
Knot – A unit of speed used in navigation. One knot is equal to one nautical mile per hour.
Keel - On sailing vessels, a structural framework that runs longitudinally along the centreline of a hull to increase stability
LOA – Length Overall. This is the length of the yacht from the tip of the bow to the end of the stern. It is a common way to measure the size of the yacht.
Leeward - The side sheltered from the wind
Mooring – The process of securing the yacht to a dock or anchor. It’s important to moor the yacht properly to prevent damage and ensure safety.
Mile - Nautical Mile (to be more precise) is a unit used in measuring distances at sea, equal to 1,852 meters
Navigation – The process of determining the yacht’s position and direction. This includes using GPS, charts, and other navigation tools.
Net Tonnage - Net tonnage is a measurement of a yacht's cargo carrying capacity. This measurement takes into account the yacht's volume and the amount of cargo it can carry.
Owner – The person or entity that owns the yacht. The one you need to satisfy (almost) anytime for (almost) anything! They may hire a crew to operate the yacht or use a management company.
Overhead - The overhead on a yacht refers to the ceiling or roof of a cabin or room. This can be important for crew to know when moving around the yacht
Port – The left side of the yacht when facing the bow. It’s important to know port and starboard when navigating a yacht.
Quarter - The quarter of a yacht refers to the aft part of the vessel. This can be an important area for crew to work in when mooring or maneuvering the yacht.
Quality – The level of excellence and attention to detail that goes into building and maintaining a yacht. High-quality materials and craftsmanship are essential for a safe and comfortable yacht.
Radar – A device used to detect other vessels or objects in the water. This is important for avoiding collisions and navigating in poor visibility.
Rudder - An underwater blade used for steering
Steward(ess) – A crew member responsible for maintaining the interior of the yacht and attending to the guests. This includes cleaning, cooking, and serving meals.
Superstructure - The part of the yacht above the hull, including the decks and cabins.
Salon - The living room on a yacht.
Starboard - the right side of the yacht (when facing the bow).
Stern - The rear end of a yacht.
Tender – A smaller boat used to transport guests or supplies to and from the yacht. It’s important to have a reliable tender for accessing remote areas and exploring.
Trimming - Adjusting the angle of the sails on a sailing yacht
Underway – The state of the yacht when it’s moving. This is different from being at anchor or docked.
Varnish – A protective coating used on the yacht’s woodwork. Varnish needs to be regularly maintained to keep the yacht looking beautiful.
Windlass – A device used to raise and lower the anchor. This is important for anchoring the yacht securely and safely.
Warp - A line used for anchoring or mooring
X-ray – A medical test that crew members may need to undergo to ensure they are healthy and fit to work on a yacht. Crew members need to be in good physical condition to handle the demands of the job, especially when they stay a long time at sea.
Yachtie – A term used to refer to someone who works on a yacht. This includes crew members such as the captain, first mate, deckhands, steward(ess), chef, and engineers. Being a yachtie is not just a job, but a lifestyle that requires a unique set of skills and knowledge. One of the most important aspects of being a successful yachtie is being able to communicate effectively with your crew members and guests. Superyacht terminology can be complex and daunting for newcomers, but with some guidance and practice, anyone can learn to speak yachtie.
Zulu Time – A standardized time used in navigation and communication on yachts. It’s also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This ensures that everyone on the yacht is on the same schedule, regardless of their location.
You want more?
If you want to go further and master all technical words, have a look at the most complete report on maintenance systems used onboard yachts across the world.
To go quick, have a look at this video and discover the BoatOn Book 😊
You have other words you want to add to this article or want some explanation about? Write to us at paul@boaton.fr!