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40% time saved vs paper management
40% time saved vs paper management
Less than 3 min to learn
40% time saved vs paper management
Smart alerts for better repair
40% time saved vs paper management
The simplest maintenance software on the market
To anticipate and prepare for the peak season, the BoatOn Book optimises the maintenance of your fleet of boats!
The complete history of all your interviews
Dates, parts changed, price paid, etc., the list is long of data to keep to maintain a boat. Record and plan all the maintenance operations you have carried out. With each validated maintenance, the BoatOn Book updates your stock of spare parts.
Create your logbook via AIS or your smartphone
The automatic logbook is suitable for any type of boat. It allows you to record all navigation data in real time, including GPS position, speed, and weather conditions. You can enter the information directly via your smartphone or retrieve it automatically from the boat's AIS.
Plan crew work schedules and leave
The crew management feature helps you optimally plan your crews. Easily add work hours and leave days from your phone. Record the start and end of your workday with just a few clicks, simplifying schedule and attendance management.
Simplified management of your stock and purchases
Find all your on-board equipment and parts in one place, manage their stock and view the history of replacements made. Receive alerts in case of out of stock or exceeded replacement date.
Your documents at your fingertips wherever you are
The safe of all your user manuals, invoices, certificates, permits, ... Save photos, videos, pdf from the camera of your smartphone or your computer and share them at any time.