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Inventory and stock

Optimize your equipment stock and take inventory of all your parts for all your boats !

Organizing your inventory

Efficient organization of your inventory is essential when you look after one or more boats. First and foremost, a meticulous inventory ensures the immediate availability of the equipment needed for each navigation, thus avoiding delays and inconveniences for crew and passengers. What's more, it facilitates the planning of maintenance operations and repairs, by quickly identifying parts to be replaced or restocked. This is all the more important for safety items such as life jackets, which need to be inventoried and kept up to date with their validity dates.


In addition, a well-maintained inventory contributes to efficient cost management, avoiding unnecessary purchases and minimizing losses due to poor stock management. Last but not least, it enables us to respond quickly and efficiently to regulatory requirements in terms of safety and inspection, thus guaranteeing compliance with standards and safe navigation.

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Maintenance monitoring regulations in the maritime sector


Not all maritime regulations require the keeping of an inventory. However, there are specific obligations for ships to keep an inventory to ensure maritime safety, environmental protection and compliance with international standards.


For example, under the SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) Convention, ships are required to carry a complete inventory of safety equipment on board, including life jackets, liferafts and fire-fighting equipment.



Similarly, MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships) requires ships to keep an inventory of hazardous products and waste, to ensure their safe and proper disposal.


In addition, many national maritime authorities have their own inventory requirements for ships operating in their territorial waters. 

How can you simplify this management task?

Inventory management can be a tedious and time-consuming task, especially if you're not well organized. To simplify inventory management, it's essential to use the right tools. CMMS software can help you keep an inventory of all your boat's equipment and parts. Boats have a multitude of equipment, from engines to batteries, communications equipment, radars...


Vessels, depending on their activity, can be subject to demanding conditions for equipment, so it's essential to have an up-to-date stock in case of problems. If maintenance is carried out in-house, a fleet will need "day-to-day" equipment. If you don't have people dedicated to this task, the CMMS will simplify your replenishment management. And conversely, CMMS helps stock managers to centralize inventory for each boat !

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Inventory organization in the BoatOn Book

The inventory module lists all your equipment. To better organize your inventory, we've created large equipment families such as "engine and propulsion", "hull and structure" or "electronics and navigation" to make it easier to organize your virtual warehouse ! 


You can add parts at any time, and modify them as required if you don't have all the information you need right in front of you. Once you've added all your equipment, it's easy to modify the stock and place orders !

From your inventory you can : 


  • Arrange, add or remove parts from stock

  • Generate purchase orders from the BoatOn Book

  • Email parts and quantities to your purchasing or logistics department 

  • Download your inventory in Excel format

  • Filter your inventory to instantly see missing parts, parts in need of replacement, etc...


Our databases already contain a wide range of pre-registered equipment for different families ! Add your entire inventory in just a few clicks, making it easy to add maintenance tasks. Managing your inventory is child's play with the BoatOn Book!

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Discover the other modules ⚓️

Maintenance management

Crew management

Rights and users

Statistics analysis


Dashboard of the fleet

Document management

Budget management

Machine notebook


Purchases and procurement

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