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Take a step ahead

Integrate the BoatOn Book as a maintenance management solution in your maritime training programs!

+ 4 000 vessels already equipped

They use it...

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40% time saved vs paper management

No installation required, accessible 24/7 on smartphone or computer, real-time collaboration for boat management in just a few clicks.

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Less than 3 min to learn

No need for tedious training to start using BoatOn Book. In less than 3 minutes, you’ll be up and running.


Fast, efficient monitoring of your equipment

Keep an eye on the condition of your fleet to ensure regular maintenance and optimized safety.

The BoatOn Book is the first intelligent maintenance software specifically designed to meet the needs of maritime professionals. Developed in close collaboration with maritime industry experts and nautical maintenance specialists, this software offers a simple and effective solution for managing boat maintenance. It stands out as a top alternative to traditional PMS or CMMS software, exceptionally meeting the specific requirements of companies or organizations that require meticulous fleet management. 

Several maritime vocational training institutions have already adopted BoatOn Book to introduce their students to maintenance management. This provides an interactive educational tool for students, which will prove invaluable in their future maritime careers.

The BoatOn Book: an easy-to-use all-in-one tool

Our software has been specially designed to be intuitive and fully operational in just 3 minutes. No need for paid and complicated training. This makes it easy for instructors to integrate it as a complement to the existing curriculum. You can quickly gain a comprehensive overview of your vessels' status, easily manage your inventory of equipment and parts on board, monitor completed tasks, and plan upcoming ones. Additionally, you can store all your important documents and obtain detailed statistical reports on the state of your maritime or river transport fleet. This is a valuable tool for learners who will be able to continue using BoatOn Book in their future careers.

Learn how to get started with the software quickly with our team!

Numerous advantages for your business

40% of time saved

  • Store all your important documents in one place

  • Monitor the status of your training equipment and learn to use preventive maintenance

  • Over 250 maintenance tasks are pre-programmed to make creating your tasks easier.

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Don't wait until the last minute for your interventions

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  • Create maintenance tasks and assign them to your teams or external contractors to stay operational all year round

  • Easily keep your inventory of parts and equipment up to date for better organization

  • Schedule future maintenance to preserve the longevity of your fleet

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Manage multiple boats on one tool

  • Ajoutez l'ensemble de vos embarcations de formation et restez à l'affut de leur entretien

  • Passez d'un bateau à l'autre pour diversifier vos cas concrets

  • Offrez la possibilité à vos apprenant d'ajouter des tâches sur des bateaux différents avec plus d'interactivité

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Track your navigations directly on your smartphone

  • Your digital logbook on your smartphone

  • Automatically retrieves data from your AIS

  • Keep all precise navigation data : weather, speed, course, fuel consumption...

The simplest boat management software on the market

Adopt the BoatOn Book for your training courses and help your students get to grips with this intuitive tool !

The BoatOn Book in a few figures

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+ than 12,000 users have integrated the software into their fleet

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+ 4,000 boats entered in the BoatOn Book

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+ than 5,500 nautical service providers validated and ranked according to their eco-responsibility

They are talking about it

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Create your account in minutes and get 1 month free trial. Subscription without commitment. 100% satisfied.

Test the BoatOn Book for free

You want to discover the BoatOn Book ?
The trust us, we give them the floor !

Listen to Philippe Vignaux's testimony, Wistream's technical director, who explains how the BoatOn Book improved his daily tasks !

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