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Sertica VS BoatOn Book

A ship management software is an essential tool for maritime professionals, significantly improving efficiency in their daily tasks. It facilitates the management of boat maintenance, monitoring of stocks and reserves, as well as handling orders and purchases. More advanced software goes further by simplifying crew planning, certificate renewal, and the tracking of logbooks and navigations. These software solutions are designed to optimize the operational organization of maritime service companies, saving valuable time and ensuring efficient resource management.​

Here is our comparison between two marine services fleet management software : Sertica and BoatOn Book.

What is boat maintenance software?

A CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) software for boats is a technological tool specifically designed to optimize and simplify the management of ship fleets. It proves to be especially valuable for maritime service companies, as well as businesses specializing in marine works, hydrocarbon transport, or dredging. This software enables managers and crews to effectively track, plan, and document preventive and corrective maintenance tasks, while ensuring compliance with manufacturer standards and recommended timelines.

Typically, the functionalities of such software include managing spare parts and equipment inventories, maintaining a history of interventions, scheduling periodic inspections, and generating detailed performance reports. By centralizing and automating these processes, CMMS for boats helps reduce vessel downtime, enhance onboard safety, extend equipment lifespan, and optimize missions, whether they are offshore or along the coast.

How important is a boat maintenance software for marine service companies ?

Imagine software that integrates all essential data regarding your vessel: upcoming maintenance tasks, crew and external contractor management, spare parts inventory, and mandatory certificates. Naval maintenance software offers this complete centralization of your ship's history, accessible anytime and anywhere.

In addition to centralizing information, these software solutions significantly simplify daily operations: planning interventions, tracking budgets, managing orders, all while ensuring compliance with specific maritime regulations such as MLC, MARPOL, or ISM. They prove especially valuable during critical events for your ship, such as its sale. A CMMS software demonstrates your serious and rigorous commitment to the maintenance of your vessel, thus preserving its asset value. Moreover, it can help reduce your fleet's carbon footprint by providing relevant indicators to optimize energy consumption.

These software solutions are also invaluable for quickly retrieving necessary information to defend your interests in case of a dispute. For example, BoatOn Book already allows selective data sharing with authorized third parties while ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information.

Comparison of Sertica and BoatOn Book offers


SERTICA is a product of Logimatic, a Danish engineering and software company founded in 1987 by four engineers from Denmark. The software was launched in 1991. Since September 2021, SERTICA has been part of the digital solutions portfolio of RINA (Registro Italiano Navale), renowned for the testing, inspections, and certifications it provides. It is primarily used in the maritime industry.

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The BoatOn Book from BoatOn is the 1st boat fleet management and maintenance solution. The aim of the BoatOn Book is to simplify all the operational activities of maritime and inland waterway operators : passenger boats, freight transport, rescue vessels, marine works... BoatOn also helps companies to manage their fleets in an eco-responsible way, while complying with current regulations.

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The benefits of the BoatOn Book in a few words...

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A time saving of 40% concerning the administrative part 

Get started in just 3 minutes

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Eco-responsible advices to learn how to better maintain your boat  

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The seafarers use all the BoatOn Book's features !

Manage you services and maintenance

With the tasks module, you have full access to the complete history of all maintenance operations for your vessel. This allows you to review past activities, plan upcoming necessary interventions, and send detailed work orders to your service providers or crew members.


Additionally, you can conveniently generate maintenance reports automatically with just one click, simplifying document management and ensuring effective traceability of the work carried out on your vessel.

Mon inventaire BOB

Rights and users 

Managing a fleet of boats involves coordinating various stakeholders. With the user module, you can assign specific access to each individual and define their rights to regulate information sharing.

You have the option to choose from several predefined roles such as administrator, supervisor, captain, sailor, etc., or create custom roles according to your specific needs.

Mes entretiens BOB

Manage your inventory and purchases

This section of the software allows you to monitor your parts and equipment stocks in real-time. You can anticipate replacements and easily generate purchase orders.

From the software, you can export data in Excel or PDF formats. Additionally, you can create a pre-filled email containing the details of the parts to be ordered and send it with one click by pressing "send" !

Mes utilisateurs BOB

Follow your navigations with AIS

The automatic logbook allows you to easily record your voyages directly from your phone! By utilizing your boat's AIS, it accurately tracks all the routes of your vessels.

Plan your trips in advance by checking the integrated weather forecast and analyze your voyages to optimize consumption. With BoatOn Book, paper logs are a thing of the past ! Keeping your logbook up to date has never been easier.

Manage your budget and accounting

The budget module allows you to track the expenses and revenues of each boat in detail. You can filter the main categories for better clarity and effective management of your ships' accounting via BoatOn Book.

Additionally, all expenses recorded in other modules of the software are automatically added to this section, saving you time searching for invoices.

Mes documents BOB

Dashboard of the whole fleet

Le module flotte et statistiques vous offre une vue d'ensemble sur les informations essentielles de vos navire. Vous y trouverez des détails précis sur le port d'attache, les revenus, les dépenses et les entretiens passés et à venir.


Explorez des statistiques détaillées sur votre flotte grâce à des graphique et visualisez facilement le nombre d'entretiens planifiés, les revenus et les dépenses sur différentes périodes, ainsi que les informations sur les pièces et stocks.

Gestion du budget grâce au logiciel BoatOn Book

Integrate your documents and certificates

In the documents module, find all the essential elements of your boat centralized in one place.

Easily access attachments from other software modules, such as maintenance reports. Add and manage crew member certificates, boat navigation permits, and insurance documents. We make it easy to ensure you never lose an important document again.

Ma flotte BOB

Join the BoatOn community among more than 12 000 seafarers !

Hard to make a decision ? Philippe Vignaux, Technical Director of Wistream in Toulon, made the right choice like

12 000 other users, he explains why !

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